Video surveillance for your business

Video surveillance has been a controversial topic for more than two decades now. The intrusion of privacy, the lack of limits or controls over camera usage, the thin line between proportions of benefits and risk, and so on.  It is an ongoing debate, with many different paths and conclusions. However, the surveillance system industry is showing an enormous growth rate on a global market, positioning the video surveillance as one of the most effective ways to protect your property, employees as well as customers and keep your business run smoothly. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some video surveillance advantages that you might want to think about before making the decision to invest in it.


After installing the surveillance system, you have taken the first step, and fortified the psychological factor of your business’s security. Furthermore, there are also financial benefits, since after installing security cameras, alarms, panic mode tasters and other devices, there won’t be any need to hire physical security, because your property will be monitored 24/7. You will have your peace of mind for sure. After that, you have a theft reduction rate. Without a doubt, even a passing glance at a video surveillance camera may deter a potential criminal from breaking into your home or causing other significant damage.  In a word, your security system can both solve and prevent crimes.


Imagine for example a harassment complaint filed by one of your employees against other colleague, in which the only peace of proof is one word against the other. Video surveillance can eliminate all these issues; it can be your basic technology Sherlock Holmes, delivering proof and a timeline of events, as well as content to which you can respond as many times as you want. Your human resources department will be relieved. And, while cameras in the wYour HR department will be relieved. And although cameras at work may be unpleasant to some employees regarding their privacy, they can also significantly reduce the rate of thefts done by employees. Unfortunately yes, this happens a lot, and some statistics show that more than 90% of small business have suffered some kind of theft or damage done by an employee. So keep that in mind.


After you have installed your video surveillance system, you can focus on the details. Try to secure as many points of interest as possible, such as server rooms, cash registers, entry points, or any other sensitive area for your business. This surveillance layout may be crucial for ensuring your company's growth and avoiding unpleasant surprises.


Yes, you can save money on insurance by installing a good surveillance system. How? Well, the insurers will gladly offer you lower insurance premiums if your business is secured in this manner. These discounts may go up to 10% in total, just by having a security system. Of course, the better your system, the better the discount you will receive from an insurance company, because you are protecting your business from theft, false and liability claims, as well as reducing the possibility of any kind of criminal activity.

And remember, this is just the tip of the security iceberg. There are many more important advantages you may gain, simply by contacting FigyTech regarding this matter. You won’t be disappointed.


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